Associated readings:

Frozen Publisher

The Publisher Object in Sui confers authority to the publisher, in other words, to the one deploying the contract on-chain. With it developers can create priviledged entrypoints of which only the holder of the Publisher object can call. The Publisher along with its package module is essentially used to verify if a type T is part of a module or package associated with the Publisher object.

The Publisher pattern is a powerful permissioning pattern in Sui Move, and its use case can be seen in the Sui Display standard.

The Sui Object Display standard functions as a template engine, facilitating the management of how an object is represented off-chain through on-chain mechanisms. This standard allows for the integration of an object's data into a template string, offering flexibility in the selection of fields to include.

One challenge that arises with it however is when using wrapper types Wrapper<T>, in that it not possible for a type T to define its own display if its wrapped by Wrapper<T>. The is because the outer type take precedence over the inner type.

We introduce the idea of a FrozenPublisher which can be used by the wrapper module to allow for the publisher of T to define its own display of Wrapper<T>. In other words it allows the publisher of the type Wrapper to delegate to the type T. This way, the inner type T has the necessary degrees of freedom to define its display.

fn main() {
module ob_permissions::frozen_publisher {
    // ...

    struct FrozenPublisher has key {
        id: UID,
        inner: Publisher,

    // ...

    public fun freeze_from_otw<OTW: drop>(otw: OTW, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        public_freeze_object(new(package::claim(otw, ctx), ctx));

    // ...

Say that want to create a wrapper type Wrapper<T> which allows other types to instantiate it:

fn main() {
module examples::export_display {
    use std::string;
    use sui::display::{Self, Display};
    use sui::object::{Self, UID};
    use sui::tx_context::TxContext;
    use ob_permissions::frozen_publisher::{Self, FrozenPublisher};
    use ob_permissions::witness::{Witness as DelegatedWitness};

    struct Witness has drop {}

    struct Wrapper<T: key + store> has key, store {
        id: UID,
        inner: T

    public fun new<T: key + store>(inner: T, ctx: &mut TxContext): Wrapper<T> {
        Wrapper { id: object::new(ctx), inner }

We can then add a function that lets the inner type witnesses export their inner display:

fn main() {
module examples::export_display {
    // ...

    // === Display standard ===

    /// Creates a new `Display` with some default settings.
    public fun new_display<T: key + store>(
        _witness: DelegatedWitness<T>,
        pub: &FrozenPublisher,
        ctx: &mut TxContext,
    ): Display<Wrapper<T>> {
        let display =
            frozen_publisher::new_display<Witness, Wrapper<T>>(Witness {}, pub, ctx);

        display::add(&mut display, string::utf8(b"type"), string::utf8(b"Wrapper"));


We can then create a FrozenPublisher and freeze it:

fn main() {
module examples::export_display {
    fun init(otw: TEST_WRAPPED_DISPLAY, ctx: &mut TxContext) {
        // ...

        frozen_publisher::freeze_from_otw(otw, ctx(&mut scenario));

        // ...

This allows others developers that come along and create their inner types T and create their display for Wrapper<T> as shown in the test code below:

fn main() {
module examples::test_wrapped_display {
    use std::string::utf8;
    use sui::object::UID;
    use sui::transfer;
    use sui::display;
    use sui::test_scenario::{Self, ctx};
    use ob_permissions::frozen_publisher::{Self, FrozenPublisher};
    use ob_permissions::witness;

    use examples::export_display;

    // One Time Witness
    struct TEST_WRAPPED_DISPLAY has drop {}

    // Witness for authentication
    struct Witness has drop {}

    struct InnerType has key, store {
        id: UID,

    const WRAPPER_PUBLISHER_ADDR: address = @0x1;
    const INNER_PUBLISHER_ADDR: address = @0x2;

    fun create_wrapped_display() {
        let scenario = test_scenario::begin(WRAPPER_PUBLISHER_ADDR);

        frozen_publisher::freeze_from_otw(TEST_WRAPPED_DISPLAY {}, ctx(&mut scenario));

        test_scenario::next_tx(&mut scenario, INNER_PUBLISHER_ADDR);

        let dw = witness::from_witness<InnerType, Witness>(Witness {});
        let frozen_pub = test_scenario::take_immutable<FrozenPublisher>(&scenario);

        let inner_display = export_display::new_display(dw, &frozen_pub, ctx(&mut scenario));

        display::add(&mut inner_display, utf8(b"name"), utf8(b"InnerType"));
        display::add(&mut inner_display, utf8(b"description"), utf8(b"This is the inner display for Wrapper<InnerType>"));

        transfer::public_transfer(inner_display, INNER_PUBLISHER_ADDR);
